Action Plan: Black Friday Cash Blueprint

How To Run A Black Friday Sale

5-Day Challenge

Join me in this 5-Day Challenge where I walk you through implementing this Black Friday Sale in your business.

An easy to follow, copy & paste campaign to run a Black Friday Sale

This Black Friday campaign has produced record sales results for me over the years.  If you have a list of leads that you have collected over the past year for events & potential clients in 2020, then you will want to get this campaign NOW.

Since 2015, I have run this Black Friday email campaign every year.

And it has produced CONSISTENT results.

  • $21,729 Sales for Black Friday in 2019
  • $22,927 Sales for Black Friday in 2018
  • $19,357 Sales for Black Friday in 2017
  • $19,600 Sales for Black Friday in 2016
  • $18,762 Sales for Black Friday in 2015

Hi!  I am Aaron Abramson, and I own Pro Sound & Light Show, a mobile DJ & photo booth company in Duluth MN.

If you run an event based company (DJ, Photography, Photo Booth, Videography), then you probably get a lot of inquiries for weddings and other special events who end up ghosting you.

Every year in November, I run my annual Black Friday promotion to my list of old and cold leads.

And like clockwork, this special automated email sequence generates consistent bookings that I otherwise would not have gotten.

Watch a FREE Training Video On How I Run My Campaign

Take a look at the number of bookings and the average order value this campaign has generated for my DJ & Photo Booth Company over the past 5 years.

These are all PIF (Paid In Full) bookings.

2019 Black Friday Sale: 19 Bookings = $21,729

2018 Black Friday Sale: 19 Bookings = $22,927

2017 Black Friday Sale: 19 Bookings = $19,357.50

2016 Black Friday Sale: 18 Bookings = $19,600

2015 Black Friday Sale: 23 Bookings = $18,762

Implement this exact same, repeatable process in YOUR business.